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Why finding the right therapist is essential to your recovery

There are many people out there that work as therapists. However, in the same way that you get on with some people and not with others, finding someone that you trust and can talk to is essential.

I took to Georgia straight away. Her relaxed and caring nature made me feel that I could discuss things with her that I had never been able to say to anyone else.

If you have been referred for therapy by the NHS Mental Health Service, there is no guarantee that you will get on with the person that you are referred to. That's why finding a therapist yourself can be the second best thing that you do. The first best thing is to understand that you have a problem that you need some help with.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFT)

Your therapist should allow you to set yourself a goal and help you to make small but positive steps towards achieving that goal. Often we will see where we want to be, and then compare it with where we are, and then panic because the distance between the two points seems to be too great. A good solution focused therapist will help you to break down the process into small manageable steps. The additional benefit of hypnosis will enable your mind to relax and calmly achieve each of these steps. So that you don't become over-whelmed.

The client-centred, goal-oriented therapy of SFT acknowledges the past, and how you got to where you currently are, and then focuses on the future and where you want to be. Therefore, being able to discuss what can often be very sensitive and personal past problems without feeling that you are being judged, is essential. That's why finding the right therapist for you is critical to your recovery. Because of this, Grey Matters Hypnotherapy offers a free one-hour consultation, so that you can see for your self if the relationship will work. Naturally, we will do everything within our power to help you feel at ease.

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